Interface IPostEditExtension

All Superinterfaces:
IBlogExtension, IExtension
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IPostEditExtension
extends IBlogExtension


Nested Class Summary
static interface IPostEditExtension.IPostAction
          An action that can be performed on a post.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String buildOptionsHTML(BlogRunData data, Post post)
          Get extra HTML that should be inserted in the post edit screen.
 void postDeleted(BlogRunData data, Post post)
          The user is about to delete a post.
 void postModified(BlogRunData data, Post post)
          When a post's text or content has been changed by the user, this method will be called.
 void postNew(BlogRunData data, Post post)
          This method will be called for the creation of a new post.
 void postPublicationStatusChanged(BlogRunData data, Post post, int oldType)
          This method will be called whenever a publication change has been requested by the user.
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.blogentis.plugins.IBlogExtension
getPreferences, setPreferences
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.blogentis.plugins.IExtension
getName, getPlugin

Method Detail


public void postNew(BlogRunData data,
                    Post post)
This method will be called for the creation of a new post. The post is complete and only lacks saving to disk, which will happen right after this method. Note that on a new post that will be published immediately, postPublicationStatusChanged() will be called imediately afterwards.

data -
post - the new Post.


public void postModified(BlogRunData data,
                         Post post)
When a post's text or content has been changed by the user, this method will be called. The old text has been thrown away by this point, and the new post is about to be saved to disk.

data - the current rundata
post - the post that has been modified.


public void postPublicationStatusChanged(BlogRunData data,
                                         Post post,
                                         int oldType)
This method will be called whenever a publication change has been requested by the user. The current publication changes are defined as:

data - the rundata of the request.
post - the post that will have its publication type changed.
oldType - the old post type, from the PostPeer constants.


public void postDeleted(BlogRunData data,
                        Post post)
The user is about to delete a post. This method will be called before the actual deletion from the database.

data - The current RunData object.
post - The post that the user has requested to delete.


public java.lang.String buildOptionsHTML(BlogRunData data,
                                         Post post)
Get extra HTML that should be inserted in the post edit screen.

data - the RunData of the current request
post - the current post, may be null if the post is new.
an HTML fragment that should be inserted the final page.

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